



As you are well aware, the demand for stainless steel pipes has been growing rapidly in various fields along with the recent improvement in lifestyle and culture. In addition, the role of stainless steel pipes is expected to become more and more important in the future.
In 1971, we developed Japan's first stainless steel clad pipe technology using electric welding, which became famous in the industry as ICS pipe. In other words, the company contributed greatly to cost reductions as a decorative stainless steel pipe made of steel on the inside and stainless steel on the outside.
In addition, stainless steel solid pipes, which we began to produce in response to a wide range of customer requests, have been performing well, supported by increased demand.

  • 1. good products that are trusted
  • 2. constant research
  • 3. contribute to society through our business

With these mottos as our motto, the entire company is united in our efforts. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.



Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry, consultation or request.


Reception hours: Weekdays 8:00-17:00
